Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Why do We Need to Drink a Lot ???

About 80% of the human body consists of water. moreover, there are some parts of our body which consist of more than 80% water. the brain consists of more than 90% water. sometimes the blood is made of up to 95% water.
Humans should drink at least 2 liters or about 8 glasses of water a day to stop themselves from dehydrating. you need to consume even more water if you are smoker. those great quantities of water are needed to aid the secretion of waste from our body through urine, sweat, perspiration (same are sweat). if we consume less than two liters per day, the body will balance itself by way of "inhaling" water from the components of the body, especially from blood.

Blood, from which the water has been extracted, will thicken. the effect of this inhaled blood, so the way of coagulation will less be fluent compared to watery. when it passes through kidney's (the place to filter poison from the blood), the kidney's will have to work extra hard to filter the blood.

The kidney's filter is very smooth, so the gore can cause a tear or a rip in the glomerulus kidney. as a result, your urine will be reddish. that's a sign of the beginning of kidney filter weakness. if it continues, it can damage the kidneys so they cannot carry out their functions any more. this will lead to kidney failure and the patient will have to go on a dialysis machine to filter the blood. this is very expensive.

When the gore circulates through the brain, it can obstruct blood vessels. the brain won't be "watery", and because the brain cell consume a lot of oxygen and food, the retardation of the blood stream can cause broken brain cells. if this happens to people with heart disease, it can result in a stroke.

Now, the decision is yours. will you choose to invest in your health by drinking 8 glasses of water a day or "paying interest" for kidney disease or stroke?

Taken from :: Aryanto, Sugeng & Arini, Dwi Yuniarti.2009.English Book for Elementry School : PR Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA dan MA Kelas XII Semester 1.Klaten:Intan Pariwara

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